Marine Solutions performed Level I, II and III underwater structural condition investigations on both the eastbound and westbound reaches of the twin structured bridge. The two structures are each over 21,000 feet in length with over 120 piers and bents and multiple simple approach spans, continuous plate girder approach spans, and continuous truss approach spans, which rise to meet the main suspension spans crossing the navigation channel. Diving operations were conducted from Marine Solutions' JILLIAN V, a 41' work vessel, using a surface supplied sir diving station. A diver decompression chamber was on site for all dives that exceeded 80 feet of water depth. Marine Solutions also performed above water hands-on inspections of the 45 approach spans, 24 piers and fender systems on the eastbound bridge; and 92 approach spans, 2 anchorage piers and fender systems on the westbound bridge. Superstructure and substructure elements were accessed using man-lifts from boats and anchored barges with vertical reaches exceeding 60 feet.